Photo of BORP Power Soccer athletes in action

Photo of BORP Power Soccer athletes in action

BORP athlete huddle

BORP athlete huddle

Made possible with help from the Bay Area Outreach and Recreational Program

Made possible with help from the Bay Area Outreach and Recreational Program

Power Soccer is the first competitive team sport designed and developed specifically for power wheelchair users. The game is played in a gymnasium on a regulation basketball court. Two teams of four players attack, defend, and spin-kick a 13-inch soccer ball in a skilled and challenging game similar to traditional soccer. (U.S. Power Soccer Association, 2015).

Compete! Power Soccer Clinic on Sunday April 12th at UC Berkeley

Free and open to student and community power soccer users, UC Berkeley in partnership with BORP will host a Power Soccer clinic. Please feel free to come out and play! First-time to advanced players are welcomed.


Who: Students and community participants who have power wheelchairs
When: Sunday April 12th, 2015
Time: 1PM to 4PM
Location: RSF Field House, Berkeley California

For more info contact:

UC Berkeley: Matt Grigorieff,

BORP: Jonathan Newman,