Disability and Sports
Croatian Radio and Television Network: "Goalball: Paralympic sport as an elective course for all students." May 4, 2016. http://sport.hrt.hr/329584/goalball-paraolimpijski-sport-izborni-kolegij-za-sve-studente
Sveuciliste u Zagrebu, Ekonomski Fakultet (2016): "Na Ekonomiji prestavljen goalball, sport za slijepe koji prosiruje perspektive." Article PDF available here (in Croatian).
UC Berkeley News Center (2016). "Power soccer joins Berkeley's list of inclusive sports" written by Gretchen Kell and video produced by Roxanne Makasdjian. http://news.berkeley.edu/2016/03/01/power-soccer-joins-berkeleys-list-of-inclusive-sports/
Berkeley Educator. (2015), Graduate School of Education Annual Magazine: “Chancellor Nicholas Dirks recognizes first collegiate Goalball Team” by Gretchen Kell. PDF version available here.
San Jose Mercury News (cover story): NCAA dreams for Cal's competitive blind team by Katy Murphy. November 27, 2014
Republished by the Los Angeles Daily News. December 13, 2014
KTSF Channel 26 News (2015), "Cal Goalball Team for Blind Students" by Jo Wan. http://www.ktsf.com/cal-goalball-team-for-blind-students/ (featured in Mandarin). Originally aired October 2, 2015.
KTSF Channel 26 News (2015), "Tiffany Zhou and her Goalball Team Story" by Jo Wan. http://www.ktsf.com/news-video/?bcid=4528030650001 (featured in Mandarin). Originally aired October 5, 2016.
CBS Radio: "Cal's Power Soccer Program Setting a New Inclusive Standard for Athletics" by Doug Sovern. First aired March 5, 2015. Audio recording here.
UC Section Club Inc. (2015). Breeze Philanthropy Giving Report, Featuring New Net Purchases for the Cal Goalball Team. Fall 2015 PDF Report Version.
ACB (American Council of the Blind) Radio: Speaking Out for the Blind, UC Berkeley and Goalball interview with Dr. Derek Van Rheenen.
LA Times (cover story): "Goalball, a sport invented for blind WWII vets, catches on at Cal" by Larry Gordon. April 18, 2015. http://www.latimes.com/local/education/la-me-blind-sports-20150418-story.html.
UC Berkeley News Center: New Athletic Team Breaks Barriers for the Disabled by Gretchen Kell. October 14, 2014
CBS Evening News: A Sport for the blind broadens perspectives by John Blackstone. June 2, 2013
UC Berkeley News Center: "Power Soccer to join athletics lineup" by Gretchen Kell. August 24, 2015. http://news.berkeley.edu/2015/08/21/power-soccer-to-join-athletics-for-fall-lineup/
PAC 12 Network: Cal Goalaball by Roxanne Makasdjan. November 2, 2013
UC Berkeley News: TV news highlights. Fall 2013
UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism: Anyones Game by Jake Nicol. May 4, 2014
JJslist (Where business and people with disabilities connect): "Goalball: A Collegiate Sport for Athletes with Disabilities” by JJ Hanley. January 27, 2015. http://www.jjslist.com/blog/goalball-a-collegiate-sport-for-athletes-with-disabilities
West Welfare Society Territory: "Goalball mania spreads among Berkeley's blind students" by Ann Madia. January 20, 2015. http://www.west-info.eu/goalball-mania-spreads-among-berkeleys-blind-students/
CBS Radio: "About the Bay: UC Berkeley Introduces ‘Goalball’, A Sport For Blind Students" by Mike Sugerman. November 10, 2014. http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/audio/mike-sugermans-about-the-bay/
Berkeleyside: "Disabled Athletes Among Beneficiaries of UC Berkeley Fund" by Jasper Burget. May 20, 2014. http://www.berkeleyside.com/2014/05/20/disabled-athletes-high-school-high-achievers-among-beneficiaries-of-cal-fund/
UC Berkeley News Center: "Fitness-for-All is an exercise in inclusion" by Cathy Cockwell. April 24, 2014. http://newscenter.berkeley.edu/2013/04/24/fitness-for-all-is-an-exercise-in-inclusion/
Student Athletes and Academic Performance
San Francisco Chronicle: Cal Basketball, A Scholar as Well as an Athlete; Freshman Brown's Interest Extend far Beyond the Court by Connor Letourneau. Published 5 March 2016.
Insight@Berkeley: Wanderlust: Talking Soccer, Academia, and Traveling with Derek Van Rheenen by Elizabeth Layman. http://insightberkeley.com/wanderlust-talking-soccer-academia-and-traveling-with-derek-van-rheenen/
UC Berkeley News Center: Coaching Cal athletes for success after sports by Steve Hockensmith. March 12, 2012
Berkeley Blog: Derek Van Rheenen, Director, Athletic Study Center. 2010
KQED Radio: Pass Interference by Dave Iverson. February 6, 2009
San Francisco Chronicle: Cal lecturer looks behind the chalk lines / Berkeley's Derek Van Rheenen traces the history of hopscotch by Josh Sens. February 28, 2003
Pro Sports
CCTV America: "Viral video claims to show Jeremy Lin being fouled" by Mark Niu. YouTube version available here (04/27/2016): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrByehmDPMg
Christian Science Monitor: In Barry Bonds's Wake, a Trail of Broken Lives by Thomas Pendergast. April 6, 2011
UC Berkeley American Cultures Engaged Scholarship Faculty Spotlight: Professor Derek Van Rheenen. http://americancultures.berkeley.edu/aces-faculty-spotlight-derek-van-rheenen
UC Berkeley Eductaional Technology Sercies: Active Learning. Huddle Board Tips
UC Berkeley Educatioanl Technology Servces: Active Leanrers. Words of Wisdom
CALTV: Professor Van Rheenen discusses starting the first competitive college team for blind student athletes at Cal.